Surgical Errors Lawyer – Glenn Mills – Delaware County, PA

Every day, patients place their lives in the hands of the surgeons who assure them they will come out of surgery just fine. And while many of them do, it should also be noted that many of them do not. Surgical errors are an unfortunate (and almost inconceivable) reality that impact thousands of patients every year, and some of these errors can change the patient’s life forever. Some of them can even lead to a patient’s death. If you believe that you or a loved one were the victim of a surgical error, you need an attorney who understands medical malpractice law as it applies in Pennsylvania. Attorney James H. Bonner, Esquire, can help.

Are all surgical errors considered medical malpractice?

It can be tempting to look at any poor medical outcome and assume that there must have been a mistake made during the surgery itself that led to it. While this is sometimes accurate, it’s important to understand that this is not the case in every situation. Sometimes there was, indeed, an error made but it was one that doesn’t constitute medical malpractice. Still other times there was no mistake made and, unfortunately, the outcome just wasn’t what we wanted to see or what anyone expected.

How can you know if you’ve been the victim of a surgical error that constitutes medical malpractice if not all errors are included? Well, there are few guidelines to keep mind. Some of the more common types of surgical error medical malpractice incidents include:

  • Accidentally Puncturing Arteries, Nerves, or Organs
  • Anesthesia Errors
  • Catheter Errors
  • Failing to Adequately Monitor Vital Signs
  • Failing to Properly Read Medical Charts
  • Failing to Properly Read Medical History
  • Failing to Properly Respond to Surgical Complications
  • Incorrect Incision/Surgery Performed
  • Leaving a Surgical Instrument Behind (Inside the Patient)
  • Surgical Infection
  • Wrong Patient Surgery
  • Wrong Site Surgical Errors

What can be done about surgical errors?

If you believe that you, or someone you love, have been the victim of a surgical error, an attorney can help you review your choices. The exact course of action depends upon the circumstances unique to your case, however it’s possible to seek compensation for damages sustained while also holding the surgeon in question accountable for their actions and decisions. It is especially important to see compensation if you have ongoing medical problems that require further treatment as a result of the surgical errors you experienced.

What should I do if I think I’ve been the victim of a surgical error?

If you think that you have been the victim of a surgical error, you should reach out to an attorney experienced with medical malpractice immediately. Note that there is generally a two-year statute of limitations in place before your right to file a claim expires, although this can sometimes be overturned if you didn’t discover the error until after two years had passed. This is most common when an individual experiences complications after surgery but receives the wrong information about their cause. This often leads to a patient receiving information several years after the initial surgery that their issues were caused by a surgeon’s error. In general, however, you have two years to file a claim. That might sound like plenty of time, but you might be surprised by just how quickly it moves, especially if you’re undergoing further treatment. Reaching out to an attorney right away can help ensure you are able to recover your damages.

For more information about surgical errors and what you can do to receive compensation, reach out to attorney James H. Bonner, Esquire, today!


Office Location

1210 N. Middletown Road, Glen Mills, PA 19342



Bonner Law